Steampunk Whale Sculpture

This sculpture was a personal project to try something new and fill some space on a wall in my home office. I had a ton of extra / old hardware laying around that didn’t necessarily match anything and either needed to be thrown out or repurposed. I started by gathering materials into a pile and picking up a large sheet of wood to stencil out my whale on. Once the design was outlined I cut everything out and got the wood burned, sanded, and stained, ready for building. The first part of the whale I started on was the eye, I wanted to make sure that I placed the eye in the correct spot so that it was locked in and that I didn’t create future problems for myself.

The next steps were figuring out what to do with some specific hardware that I had laying around. The big one I wanted to figure out was what to do with this old chainsaw chain that I had, naturally it made sense to use it for teach, the leftover chain length I’d figure out later for accent. I started working on the tale to go right to left as a start, I ended up incorporating an old bicycle tube that I had for the middle, a door spring from the teeth over the rubber tube, and adding the extra chain length to the bottom back half.

Continuing on I just developed patterns and unique layouts with the parts I had ranging from nuts, bolts, an old bicycle wheel, VCR, toaster, and so much more. I’m happy with how this turned out and had excellent feedback on the end result. I still have quite a bit of hardware laying around and it was fun to build so I plan on continuing with more just like this.


Small house study #1


Pokémon Wall Art Discs